Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Looking Back at First Semester

Photo courtesy of iStock.
This is the last week of first semester. We've encountered many physics topics so far, ranging from the trivial to the complex, and from the mundane to the exciting. Let's spend a few minutes reflecting on what we've done so far:

  1. What do you think has been the most difficult topic we've covered so far?
  2. What do you think has been the most exciting / thought-provoking topic?
  3. Which topic would you have preferred to skip altogether?
  4. Which topics have been the most mathematically challenging (this may or may not be the same as the answer to question 1)?
  5. Are there any things you'd like to be done differently in second semester?
Do you agree or disagree with what other commentators are saying?


  1. 1. The most difficult topic we have covered so far this year is most likely projectile motion. It gives me the most trouble understanding.
    2. I have liked the Statics section because it was interesting to learn about the way things slide.

  2. 1. the most difficult topic i feel that we covered this year is defiantly projectile motion, but i also had trouble with the stuff we did at the very beginning of the year where we learned the distance formula and displacement.
    2. i liked learning about vectors and how you can find out the displacement of an object or someone.
    3.i actually liked everything that we learned this semester because i see how we can use it in real life.
    4.i think the most mathematically challenging topic was the pulley.

  3. The most difficult topic was projectile motion. The most exciting topic has probably been circular motion. Vectors were hard and I wouldent have minded skipping them I don't think. The most mathematically challenging topic was probably projectile motion. In the second semester the only thing that I wish would be done differently is that homework should be graded. That would provide a nice cushin to a bad test/quiz grade.

    1. I disagree about grading homework because then it feels more like a college course and gives us more freedom to study and prepare for tests and quizzes without having to worry about whether the homework is due or not. Also if you were doing every homework assignment he gave maybe you wouldn't do so bad in the quiz or test in the first place hmm?

    2. I also disagree about grading homework. Very often, we have just learned a challenging topic and are given a somewhat large worksheet covering it. Most of the time I don't fully understand the topic until the next day when we are able to go over the worksheet problems and ask questions as a class. I think it would make many students' grades drop if homework was graded and collected. Mr. Bearss can tell by quizzes and tests which students have done their worksheets anyway.

    3. I also disagree that homework should be graded, as others said we've often just learned a topic and are not really comfortable with or fully understand it yet, and it probably would bring grades down.
      I think grading us on a credit/no credit basis, however, would be great though. Like the original comment said, it would provide more points and extra cushion if we had a bad test or were learning a particularly challenging topic. It would also reward students who are making the effort and actually doing their homework.

  4. During the second semester, I hope that maybe we do some more hands on projects so we can see how everything really works. And I believe the hardest topic that we have covered so far is the projectile motion.

  5. 1.What do you think has been the most difficult topic we've covered so far?
    The most difficult topic for me was vectors, although they may seem simple for most, I found that mixing up the steps were easy to do.

    2.What do you think has been the most exciting / thought-provoking topic? I thought that centripetal force was the most exciting, because it gets you to think about real life siuations.

    2.Which topic would you have preferred to skip altogether?
    I don't think I would have wanted to skip any of them.

    3.Which topics have been the most mathematically challenging?
    Vectors, definitley, just because of the steps and how easily one mathmatical mistake could make the entire problem incorrect.

    4.Are there any things you'd like to be done differently in second semester? I think I would like to see things explained differently, rather than just examples do more about the specific subject itself. I think I would better understand it.

  6. I don't think that you should grade the homework, but maybe give answer to all the worksheets so we know which ones we got wrong and ask you about what we did wrong instead of thinking we did them right but actually messed up on something.

  7. All i know is that my favorite thing was the projects we did!!! Those balloon cars were epic! Also learned how not to build a balloon car...=P

  8. 1. I think the most difficult thing we've learned this semester was the inclined planes. It was pretty hard with all the different components that we had to figure out.
    2.I think the most thought provoking topic is the topic we're on now, the circles and how all the formulas and values change into centripital motion. Just because it goes in a circle can change alot of things.
    3.I definitely would have preferred to skip the vector section. It ended up being so simple, that it was pretty difficult from overanalyzing, if that makes any sense.
    4.Definitely Inclined planes were the most mathematically challenging for me because there was so much different factors in finding what you needed to find.

  9. I agree with Taylor G...(who could that be?) that the most exciting thing we have covered this year is the chapter on circles. I believe this because what occurs during the process is not what you wold have thought. Logic tells you that something will not change direction unless a force is applied. In the case of circles the force being applied is the least noticiable. Therefore without any previous experience it would be extremely difficult to determine why an object remains in a circle.

  10. 1. I found vectors to be one of our hardest subjects, simply because it was so easy to mess up your steps and make foolish mistakes.
    2. I think the most exciting and thought provoking is what we talked about today; planets, moons, stars and what not. This topic always leaves me wanting to learn more.
    3. I wouldn't have minded skipping vectors.
    4. The inclined planes were the most mathematically
    challenging to me.
    5. Next semester i would like to do more labs and hands on experiments and projects.

  11. I agree with'Nicki Minaj' that it would be helpful next semester to at least give the answers to the worksheets we do, just so we know if we need to ask questions. If we don't know the answer to the questions, we don't really know if we need help, so giving us the answers would help us in finding out if we're wrong, and where we went wrong in the problem if we are

  12. 1. probably vectors
    2. I liked circular motion and centripital force
    3. vectors or projectiles
    4. vectors and projectiles

  13. the most difficult was projectile motions.
    the planets were pretty exciting seeing what they look like and learning about them.
    the inclined planes had a lot of math to deal with.

    mason smeznik

  14. I agree that projectile motion was a very difficult topic. Also, it had the most challenging math involved. I agree with Mason that the solar system was very interesting. It seems crazy that our solar system is so huge but is still such a small part of the universe.

  15. 1)So far this year i thought vectors were the hardest subject that we covered. If you messed up one step then your second answer would have been wrong.
    3) i would not have minded skipping the inclined planes.4) becasue they, to me were the most moathematically challenging.

  16. 2) i agree with what Nessa said that what we just talked about in class on Friday that the topic of our solar systems is very interesting and i found that to be the most exciting topic we have covered so far.
    5) i agree with what Nicki Minaj and G said about the homework and giving the answers. It is hard to study problems when you dont know if your answer are right or not. This next semester i think it would be helpful if you gave us the answers to our homework.

  17. 1) I personally thought the hardest thing we have covered so far was friction, and finding the coefficients. It was the mist difficult for me.
    2)The subject i find most enjoyable is learning about the solar system.
    3)The subject i would have liked to skip was periods,periodic motion,and simple harmonic motion. I didn't enjoy that lesson.

  18. I agree with taylorg that the most mathematically challenging subject was inclined planes, with finding all the different components and forces. It was a little confusing also keeping it all straight in my head.
    5)To be changed in the 2nd semester i also agree that you should give the correct answers to us on worksheets, and also return quizzes to us to let us see what we got wrong and how to fix it.

  19. i agree with ilovesports that projectile motion delt with a lot of math.
    i agree with ness about doing more labs and hands on experiments because it is a lot of fun and its a different way to learn instead of paper and pencil.

    mason smeznik

  20. I also thought projectile motion was one of the most challenging subjects, because of all the different formulas and components involved and the more math we needed to solve them. I think doing more labs would also be a great idea, because it breaks up the monotony of worksheets and keeps everyone interested and involved. It could also make things much easier to understand (ecsp. for hands on learners) when we actually see concepts or demonstrate them ourselves, rather than just reading about them on paper.

  21. The topic that I found most difficult would have to be the concept of quarks and other "elementary particles"
    The most exciting topic was most definitely the Arduino project, I've learned so much just from that. I would have wanted to skip the part about the elementary particles. The most mathematically challenging part would be the resistors in series, I have always had trouble with that concept. All together it was a fun semester and I have the feeling Chemistry won't be the same.

  22. I would have to say that vectors was the most challenging thing that we have done so far. Not because of the math, just because it was easy to make simple mistakes that ruined the rest of your entire problem.

  23. I would have to agree also with Emily D. in that it would be more interesting to do more labs and such. But I also think it would be really helpful if the students got to go to the board to work out the problems we do in class. I think this would really help us pay attention and understand a lot better.

  24. 1. I agree with the others that the most complicated thing for me was projectile motion. This was a difficult topic because there were so many things you had to keep in mind while you were solving these problems.
    2.My favorite was probably centripetal motion, just because I could understand it pretty well.

  25. 1. The most difficult topic for me was the concept of drawing free body diagrams and making sure all the forces acting on the object are on the diagram.
    2. I agree with Taylor G and unkown that the most interesting topic in the centripetal force. I like this topic because you can apply that to any problems with a circle and that covers a lot of interesting topics.
    3. What I would like to see next semester is when learning a new topic start with a demonstration so that we can see how the equations apply to real life. Also many of the equations we use are drawn on the board and some students can't visualize the 3 dimensional aspects. A good example was when the water bucket demonstration was used it allowed me to have an example to apply the equation to.

  26. Looking Back At First Semester
    1. For me the most difficult topic(s) we have covered would probably be either statics or vectors. To me both topics are very confusing.
    2. I think that projectile motion and circular motion are very interesting. I really understand what is going on with them.
    3. I would have preferred to skip statics.
    4. Mathematically, vectors were very hard. One small mistake could give you a wrong answer,
    5. For second semester, I wish we would do more hands on things. Such as different labs. I learn things better when I can actually use what I’m being taught. It helps me to better understand the material.

    -I disagree that homework should be graded. There is a lot of added pressure knowing that you have to complete something for a grade, and that pressure is intensified if you don’t necessarily understand the material. If homework was graded, I feel like I would rush to try to complete it, and not necessarily learn it like I’m supposed to.

  27. Thanks for the comments this week. I'll take your suggestions into consideration for second semester.

  28. I'm not sure if it's too late or not to comment but ohwell! Anyways I thought the most challenging subject we covered was definaitly projectile motion. I think I struggled with that alot.
    I know we didn't cover the planets alot but learning about them really caught my attention. Id say I really enjoyed finding the centripetal force. I really wish would could have skipped the projectile problems with the free-body diagrams, all of the different forces really confused me.
    I think physics is a pretty challenging class, and the fact that our grades are based only on quizzes and tests really isn't an easy challenge. Especially when the quizzes are only we few questions.
    (: halie Foulks

  29. i agree with emily d i thought thAT the projectile motion was the hardest also there was so many different formulas that we needed to know also with what halie said i believe physics is a very challenging class because all our grades are quizes and tests i also think we should do some more labs i think by actually doing the stuff will help people learn better.
